Kaci Starr

PornStar Kaci Starr

Bio: Kaci Starr is a cute young skinny slut who loves to fuck guys and girls around the clock. This girl is a tiny-tit-lover’s paradise. Growing up in Gainesville, Florida, Kacy spent a lot of time helping out on the local farms. There, Kaci must have really tapped into her animal side, appreciating the earthly pleasures of the flesh and living free and naked at the moment with those farm boys. Kacy also worked as a cashier but just couldn’t get down with the 9-to-5. So, at the age of 20, she decided to get back to her animal roots and start doing the doggy, the froggy, the cobra clutch, and any other wild fuck position for the cameras to capture.
Страна: США
City: Baltimore
День рождения: 18 March, 1985


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