Sarah Jessie

PornStar Sarah Jessie

Bio: Sarah Jessie grew up in Detroit, MI later she moved with her family to Sydney, Australia, before eventually settling down in Los Angeles, CA. She has beautiful long blonde hair, pretty eyes amazing fake tits and smoking hot ass that is really fun to watch getting a large dick inside of it. She is very easygoing laid back attitude, down to earth and a little bit hippie. She also possesses sweet lips that like to suck cocks and a wet pussy that is always ready for some good old fashioned in and out the action. She was relatively old to enter the adult industry at 29 when she shot her first scene, but lucky for us since then she is working around the clock shooting great movies that we love to watch over and over again.
Страна: США
City: Las Vegas
День рождения: 26 December, 1980

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