Tina Blade

PornStar Tina Blade

Bio: Tina Blade is a beautiful Croatian babe that is probably also one of the prettiest adult stars in the biz today with an amazing body and great acting skills. She is the proud owner of a natural pair of sweet boobs enough to help you give up coffee if you could wake up staring at them every morning. She s tiny tight ass with just enough juicy flesh on it to pad your crotch when you’re fucking up against her rear end. Tina loves to suck big dicks as much as she loves going down on a woman. She loves inserting huge dicks to any hole she could possibly can till she reaches an intense squirting orgasm that will shake your world upside down!
Страна: Хорватия
City: Varazdin
День рождения: 22 October, 1990


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